for a better future
Anna daanam param daanam
vidyaa danaam atah param. annena kshnikaa
truptihi yaavajjeevam cha vidyayo.
“अन्नदानं परं दानं विद्या दानं मतः परम् ।
अन्नेन क्षणिका तृप्ति र्यावज्जीवं च विद्यया॥”
Meaning: Offering food to the needy is very noble. But giving the gift of education is the highest. Food gives momentary satisfaction to the recipient, while the satisfaction of becoming learned remains with the learner throughout the lifetime.
What would you like to donate for?
At Sri Sri Ravishankar Vidya Mandir (SSRVM), learning is an individual process for each student and information is imparted at the realm of experience, while enhancing human values of love, friendliness, compassion, caring and sharing. Regular curriculum is offered in such a jouful and stress-free manner that the child actually looks forward to going to school. To be a part, select the project you would like to contribute.
Sri Sri College
of Ayurvedic Science & Research
21st km, P. O. Udayapura,
Kanakpura Road, Bengaluru – 560082,
Karnataka, India.